Active Communities for Development Alternatives

"Unlock the Treasures" Launched

Monday, 03 November 2014

In the beginning of November, Platform AGORA started the process of 'unlocking' the treasures of the local community in the Turkish town of Corlu in partnership with the Association of the Balkan Turks. Both organizations within 15 months will work on discrimination issues related with culture and human rights viewed through the prism of the European Union and the European citizenship. Read more about the project Here .

In order to achieve that, it is envisaged to combine expert research work, public discussions, study visits for exchange of experience as well as awareness raising campaign to enhance the Corlu citizens' knowledge in regards with the future accession into a culturally diverse and dynamic community such as the European Union. The challenges will be discussed together with the good accession practices, the opportunities and lessons learnt in the pre-accession process; also the full EU membership that Bulgaria experienced as a relatively new Union member state.

The issue of anti-discrimination on the grounds of culture and the respect for human rights will be discussed on European, national, regional and local level with the input of experts on human rights, European law and intercultural dialogue. The public authorities, local CSOs as well as the media will have essential role in the public events on the project.

An accent in the project agenda and rather within the activities related with awareness raising is the photo contest and the final exhibition as a documentary expression on the topic of violated human rights and the dialogue among cultures.

In series of practical and research activities the project will shed light on topics such as the right for cultural expression and participation in cultural life, the new status of being European citizen, the challenges of the EU member states in the periphery of the Union, co-living in intercultural society - all of them challenging the society in our neighbor country.

This publication is produced with the financial support of the EU and Republic of Turkey. Association "Platform AGORA" is responsible for the content of this document and can in no way be interpreted as the opinion of the EU or the Republic of Turkey.



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