“Soft skills OUtside of school Learning environment” (SOUL Skills)
In May 2021, Platform AGORA started the implementation of the project "Soft skills OUtside of a school Learning environment" (SOUL Skills) developed in partnership with 7 organizations from 6 countries in the field of adult education. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships in response of the Covid-19 situation, KA227 - Partnerships for Creativity, contract # 2020-1-BG01-KA227-ADU-095132.
The duration is 24 months.
The main project idea is to give information about effects of social isolation due to Covid-19 on children’s behavior and socialization to educators and they to know how to evaluate the appearing deficits and to direct their overcome. The focus is on analyzing the development of soft skills after relatively long and unexpected remote education.
Among the specific objectives are:
- To identify lack of transferable skills development of children aged 6-12 years with focus on their development and proper assessment;
- To create a mechanism (descriptors) for joint evaluation of transversal skills of children aged 6-12;
- To design a set of methods - Toolbox for supporting development of these transversal skills.
The project target groups are:
Bulgarian Project partners’ staff, experts, facilitators and volunteers;
Education professionals of non-formal and informal education sector;
Parents and relatives of children aged 6-12;
Youth workers, facilitators and organizers at cultural centers, Chitalishta and/or non-formal education that are involved in activities with children aged 6-12;
Education Policy makers, Institutions and Public Authorities at European level, national level and regional level;
Stakeholder organizations such as Education Associations, Parent Associations, Youth and Cultural Centers, Chitalishta.
The key project activities are implemented for a period of 24 months and include:
Project Management and Implementation
Translational Project Meetings – Kick Off meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria and Final meeting in Italy.
Design and development of three Intellectual Outputs:
Development of an Analytical Report „Child after the Social Isolation due to Covid-19”.
Development of Methodology for Evaluation of Transferable Skills of children aged 6 to 12 years old.
Development of a Toolbox – a set of cultural activities, exercises and challenges for children in order for them to strengthen the targeted skill.
Short-term joint staff training events – the Spanish partner DEFOIN took the responsibility to develop and organize 4 days training event for representatives of the partner organizations on how to use and apply the evaluation methodology and the toolkit – resulted form IO2 and IO3.
Multiplier Events are held at the project end in each of the 6 partner countries for promotion of the three Intellectual Outputs produced within the project
„Child after the Social Isolation due to Covid-19” Analytical Report, Results of the empirical study (EN)
Mechanism for the Evaluation of Soft Skills of Pupils 6 - 12 years old (in Bulgarian language); in English; in French; in Greek; in Icelandic; in Italian; in Spanish.
Toolbox for Strengthening of Soft Skills of Pupils 6 - 12 years old (in Bulgarian language); in English; in French; in Greek; in Icelandic; in Italian; in Spanish.
Piloted mechanism for evaluation of pupils soft skills with toolbox to be applied in cultural settingsThe partners strengthen the strategic partnership among different type of organizations from the non-profit and profit sector in education (foundations, educational and research centers, SMSs) by establishing trust, loyalty and professional collaboration through upgrade of their knowledge and competencies in the educational sector.
The Italian partner (FCSVM) ensure access to the finalized 3 intellectual outputs on their educational platform.
- ANCE, Greece
- DEFOIN, Spain
- GIS-TC, Bulgaria
- J&M Synergie, France
- NORTH Consulting, Iceland
- Centro Studi Villa Montesca (FCSVM), Italy
The total project budget is 197 916 Euro. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships in response of the Covid-19 situation, KA227 - Partnerships for Creativity.
Association "Platform AGORA",
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