Active Communities for Development Alternatives

Training in Bursa

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Bulgarian experts will train representatives of Turkish civil society organizations in the period February 25-27, 2016. The training will be held in Bursa and the topic includes human rights, discrimination and intercultural dialogue within the project "Unlock the Treasures". The lead partner is Platform AGORA and it is funded by the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU And Turkey -III Political Criteria Grant Scheme , Lot 2: Anti-Discrimination. More information about the project could be read here .

On the next day, following the training completion, on February 28th, 2016 a conversation will be held in Bursa to discuss on local level with a wider representation of local actors the topics mentioned above.


This publication is produced with the financial support of the EU and Republic of Turkey. Association "Platform AGORA" is responsible for the content of this document and can in no way be interpreted as the opinion of the EU and/or the Republic of Turkey.




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