Active Communities for Development Alternatives

Second Round Table in Sofia 'Unlocks' the Treasures

Monday, 23 May 2016

Platform AGORA organized a second round table "Human Rights, Antidiscrimination and Intercultural Dialogue" on May 20th, 2016 at the Information Center of Sofia Municipality within the project "Unlock the Treasures". The project is implemented in partnership with the Balkan Immigrants Culture and Solidarity Association - BALGOC with headquarters in Bursa, Turkey and is funded by the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU And Turkey -III Political Criteria Grant Scheme, Lot 2: Anti-Discrimination.

The Ombudsman of Bulgaria and the Chairperson of the Commission for Protection from Discrimination have sent written addresses to welcome the participants and organizers. In April 2016 during the study visit of the Turkish partners in Sofia meetings were held to acquaint them with the activities of both institutions.

At the round table, the Bulgarian hosts presented the following themes: "Integration and Human Rights in the pre-accession period of Bulgaria" by Lalo Kamenov, member of the Commission for Protection from Discrimination; "Minority Communities in Bulgarian Politics", by Dr. Dimitar Gyudurov, researcher and lecturer at New Bulgarian University and "The Art as a Tool Facilitating the Dialogue between Cultures", Yuryi Valkovski, Executive Director "Reach for Change" Foundation. The Turkish input was made by Prof. Dr. Kamuran Recber, expert „Human Rights, Anti-discrimination and EU legislation" who presented the theme "The EU Pre-accession Process of the Republic of Turkey".

The next project event is the closing conference on May 27th, 2016 to be held in Bursa, Turkey.

This publication is produced with the financial support of the EU and Republic of Turkey. Association "Platform AGORA" is responsible for the content of this document and can in no way be interpreted as the opinion of the EU and/or the Republic of Turkey.




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